A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Abrahamic Religions. A faith (notably Christian, Jewish and Muslim) of which Abraham is the founding father and which stresses his obedience to God.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Absolve / Absolution. A formal statement of release from guilt and therefore from the consequential punishment; God’s forgiveness of Christians. Absolution usually follows a general confession of sins and is a common element of corporate worship as well as sometimes being given privately. It refers to a formal pronouncement of the forgiveness of sins.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Adoptionism. A heretical teaching which believes that Jesus was an ordinary human being until he was adopted by God and became divine by adoption. In this teaching Jesus was either adopted by God at baptism or resurrection.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Amish. An American Protestant group, descended from Europeans who settled there in the eighteenth century to escape persecution. They place high value on family and community and live simple lives, working the land and relying on God.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Anglican and The Anglican Communion. An Anglican Church is one that recognises the Archbishop of Canterbury as Spiritual head. The Anglican Communion is the fellowship of Anglican Churches around the world.
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