All on-screen presenters are Deaf, they are BSL users, and are practising Christians. The presenting team includes professional Deaf translators and interpreters, church leaders, and tutors.
This website doesn’t include every possible word, nor every possible sign for the words already here. BSL, like English, includes regional, generational, denominational, and contextual variations. We don’t claim this is an authoritative dictionary of every word and every sign with every variation, rather a representation of some of the signs in use, and starting point for further input and translation. Translation is an expensive process, are you able to help support us?
We would love to receive your feedback!
Suggest a word/phrase which isn’t already included on the website which you’d like to see translated into BSL and added in the future. Suggesting a word/phrase doesn’t guarantee we can add it, but it’s important to us to know what you’d like to see included so we can plan further translation. Translation is an expensive process, are you able to help support us?
Provide feedback about any of the signs you’ve seen here. Have you seen a sign used in an alternative context, is there another way to convey a concept, whatever your feedback we’d love to receive it. Translation is an expensive process, are you able to help support us?
If you need to send us a message about something else…