Church and Temple Artifacts / Areas / Clothing

British Sign Language (BSL) signs for objects you might find in a church/temple, clothing worn by religious leaders, and the areas of a church/temple such as you might see annotated on a floor plan.

Advent Candle

A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Advent Candle. A special candle used in some churches and homes during Advent. Traditions vary: eg one candle, marked with the days of the month (as signed here); five candles, with one being lit each Sunday in Advent, etc.

See also: Advent (the season leading up to Christmas) and Advent (Second coming) and Advent Wreath and Wreath

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Advent Wreath

A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Advent Wreath. During the four weeks leading up to Christmas, a wreath made from greenery and berries is constructed for decoration in some churches. Typically, the Advent wreath forms the base on which the Advent candle is displayed, perhaps with other candles.

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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Alb. A white garment, coming down to the ankles, worn as a liturgical vestment by Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Methodist clergy.

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Altar/Lord’s Table/Holy Table

A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of altar/Lord’s table/holy table. A table in a place of worship and a focal point in many church services, being a sacred place where offerings are made to God. In the Old Testament, it was the place for sacrifices. In some churches, the altar is known as The Lord’s Table or the Holy Table.

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Ambon / Ambo

A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Ambon / Ambo. A large pulpit or reading desk used in early churches and in modern day Greek and Balkan churches.

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Breast Piece (priestly)

A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Breast Piece (priestly). A ceremonial garment used by the High Priest in the Temple in Old Testament times.

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