British Sign Language (BSL) signs for people groups, races, ethnic groups, collective nouns, classes, roles, identities, individuals, and affiliations.
A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Abraham. The first patriarch of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and some other religions. Originally named Abram, he was a Bronze Age nomad whom God called to be the founder of the Hebrew people.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Abraham. One of the patriarchs, whose life is described in the book of Genesis. After being led by God from Ur into Canaan, the Promised Land, Abram was later renamed by God. He became Abraham (‘father of multitudes’) at the age of 99, when told by God that his previously barren wife was to bear children. In a test of Abraham’s loyalty, God later told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, and the father showed his willingness to obey – but God provided a ram for him to sacrifice, instead. Those who are faithful to God are described as Abraham’s spiritual descendants (‘children of Abraham’).
A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Amish. An American Protestant group, descended from Europeans who settled there in the eighteenth century to escape persecution. They place high value on family and community and live simple lives, working the land and relying on God.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Ancestors. Any person from whom one is descended. Most commonly refers to persons who are deceased and who were born before one’s grandparents.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Apostle. In the New Testament usually referring to one who was with Jesus in person, a close disciple of Jesus, one who then took early Christian teaching and missionary work.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Apostles. A Roman Catholic sign for Apostles. Usually refers to ‘the Twelve’, ie Jesus’ disciples, though the term is sometimes used to include St Paul and Barnabas.
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