Download Christian BSL videos

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Our downloadable videos are available for you to use wherever showing a video of this nature is appropriate. You might like to use them in a school assembly, in a church service, in a meeting, during a workshop, at a conference, or at an event.

While you can use our videos FOR FREE in your church services, Bible studies, training courses, etc, we do ask that you respect the the usage policy tabs on this page (Things you cannot do, Things you can do, Things to consider, and Training and Workshops).

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Things you CANNOT do

Please don’t remove or obscure the Christian BSL logo on our videos

Please don’t sell our videos or charge people to watch our videos

Please don’t upload or publish the videos on their own (without any other content) to any platform, eg YouTube, Facebook, your own website etc. (But, so long as our videos are included as part of a longer video, eg a church service, that’s fine, you CAN put that church service on social media platforms/your website etc)

Please don’t download any of our vocabulary videos (you can contact us if you need to download our vocabulary videos eg for a training course)

Please don’t download any of our videos from any source other any via the download links we provide you specifically for this purpose

Things you CAN do

You can use our videos in church, residential care homes, schools, or in a Christian event for training or as included in a service, Bible study, or similar

You can use our videos in a pre-recorded or live streamed service, Bible study, conference, or assembly.

You can remove the audio (eg music or spoken English interpretation) so that the video is shown silently

You can include our videos as part of a longer video which includes content other than our videos (eg using our videos as part of a church service) and upload that longer video to social media platforms or your own organisation’s website.

You can share our videos by sending someone a link to a page or post on our website

You can share our videos using the share function on a video posted by Christian BSL on Facebook

You can share our videos by retweeting a video posted by Christian BSL on Twitter

You can share our videos using a link from our official YouTube Channel

We’d love you to prayerfully consider making a donation towards our work.

Things to consider

Where one of our videos already includes music, you must be respectful of the integrity of the BSL translation and interpretation of the words, rhythm, style, and register.

If a video includes audio (eg music) you should avoid replacing the audio with another rendition of the same (or different) music/words causing the BSL production, or translator/interpreter’s rhythm to be out of sync or at odds with music and sung words.

The translator/interpreter’s interpretation of the words, rhythm, style, and register on screen should be retained and protected.

It is very important that British Sign Language, Deaf culture, and the translator/interpreter aren’t culturally appropriated or devalued. Were the videos to be placed out of context or out of sync this could cause embarrassment or confusion and we’d want to avoid such a situation.

Ideally you should be using the videos you download as they are provided, but we understand there may be times when you need to make small edits, such as only using one verse of a carol in your online advent calendar.

Please contact us if you are unsure whether the usage you have in mind would comply with our policy/wishes.

We reserve the right to withdraw permission to use any of our material, resources, or videos at any time for any reason.

As always, all those on-screen are Deaf Christian BSL users. The presenting team includes professional Deaf translators and interpreters, church leaders, and tutors.

Training sessions, workshops, and courses

You may use the videos free of charge as part of a face-to-face or online training session/course (eg interpreter training, Deaf awareness, accessible church, CPD, etc).

However, in addition to not removing or obscuring our logo on the videos, you must explicitly credit in your spoken/signed/written explanation.

You may include, in your session/course materials (written resources/reading lists), links to pages on

If you need to include one of our downloadable videos and you need the video file in your material (e.g. in your PowerPoint/Keynote slide deck), you can simply fill in the form on the request tab and you’ll be provided with a password to access to the Download Centre.

If you need one of our other videos please contact us.

If you use our videos during your training session or course, please prayerfully consider making a donation towards our work.

You do not require a music licence

We have commissioned exclusive musical and vocal arrangements, performances, and recordings and included a buy out in the contract thereby holding the rights to the arrangement, performance, and recordings ourselves.

We would like to bless those who download our videos to use them without any additional music licences.

You do NOT require a CCLI licence, a ONE LICENSE, a PPL licence, or PRS licence to use our downloadable videos online or onsite (ie in a building).

However, please prayerfully consider making a donation towards our work.

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