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A prayer led in British Sign Language (BSL), as Easter approaches.
Click/tap the play button on the player above to watch this video. You can downloadthis video to include it in live-streamed/pre-recorded/in-building church services, Bible studies, school assemblies, workshops, and similar.
A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Easter. The annual Christian festival, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. There is no established Christian sign for Easter. This is an example of one of the generic signs for Easter in use.
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Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! translated into British Sign Language (BSL) with spoken English interpretation and captions, for Easter.
You can find Easter related terminology translated into BSL in our Easter category.
Click/tap the play button on the player above to watch this video. You can downloadthis video to include it in live-streamed/pre-recorded/in-building church services, Bible studies, school assemblies, workshops, and similar.
A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Holy Communion / Eucharist. A Roman Catholic sign for Holy Communion / Eucharist. Roman Catholics believe that, through the words of consecration, the bread (usually a disc shaped wafer made from wheat and water) and wine transform (transubstantiation) into the literal body and blood of Christ during Holy Communion. The Council of Trent (1551 AD) wrote, “a change is brought about of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord, and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood.” Roman Catholics cite The Lord’s Supper (The Last Supper) and the ‘Bread of Life Discourse’ in John 6:51 and John 6:53-57, along with Matthew 26:26-30; Mark 14:22-26; and Luke 22:14-20 as the reasoning for this.
While the bread and wine still look the same, taste the same, and smell the same, Roman Catholics believe the substance (what is is) does change.
Each time a Roman Catholic celebrates Mass, they are reminded of the events of the paschal Triduum; Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.
Roman Catholics must be in a state of grace (they must have confessed any grave or mortal sin) before receiving it. Roman Catholics cite 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 as a warning that receiving the sacrament unworthily that one would “eateth and drinketh damnation” to themselves.
Roman Catholics must not eat or drink (with the exception of water and medicines) for one hour before receiving Holy Communion
If a Roman Catholic is aware that they have committed an unconfessed grave or mortal sin then they must attend the Sacrament of Confession first.
Roman Catholics must receive Holy Communion at least one per year between between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday, it’s known as their Easter Duty. The Roman Catholic Church encourages Roman Catholics to receive Holy Communion as frequently as they can, even daily if possible.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Celebrate. The marking of festivals such as Easter or certain events such as a baptism with a service of thanks. Christians celebrate when they take Communion and some churches hold separate praise and worship services that are specifically dedicated to celebration, the principal minister at a Communion service is known as the celebrant.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Donkey. A hoofed mammal in same family as the horse. In the lead up to Easter we read that Jesus rode on a donkey in what’s known as The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. As he entered the city the crowd shouted: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”. While we often see a donkey featured in the Christmas Nativity, there’s no mention in the Bible of a donkey carrying Mary to Bethlehem.
Biblical references include: Genesis 22:3, Exodus 20:17, and Matthew 21:2
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Paschal. A Roman Catholic sign for Paschal. Relating to Easter, e.g. Paschal lamb, Paschal Eucharist, and, by extension, to Jesus as the sacrificial lamb. Also relates to the Jewish Passover.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Ordinary Time. The time periods in the liturgical calendar that fall outside the major seasons such as Advent, Epiphany, Lent, and Easter. Ordinary time begins after the Day of Pentecost and lasts until the First Sunday of Advent. It is the longest season in the Church calendar.
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A British Sign Language (BSL) translation of Paschal Candle. A white candle (which may be very tall) lit in some churches during the Easter period to represent the light of Christ in the world and bearing a prominent cross and other symbols.
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